Enjoy superior service
You’ve earned the right to be treated with respect. Choose the attorneys who offer individualized care and one-on-one consultations. We’ll make sure that we’re addressing all of your needs in an effective and respectful manner. In addition, we are committed to providing you with the highest level of service and results for you and your family. Trust us to handle everything from Medicaid applications to nursing home planning.
Nursing home assistance
Nursing home care and end-of-life planning are difficult financial and organizational burdens. Let our firm guide you through the process, reducing your stress and developing a solution that you and your loved ones will both approve of.
Keep costs low and expectations high
The right nursing home care for you might be more affordable than you think. Trust our attorneys to follow every lead and find ways to put the care you deserve within your financial reach. Ask us about alternative living arrangements and get guidance from us on a wide variety of end-of-life issues, including an analysis of private long-term care insurance.
The government could help you
Are you eligible for Medicaid? You might be! Many seniors aren’t aware that they could be given assistance from the state and federal governments – assistance that could help them afford the nursing home they’d prefer even if they hav
Medicaid Planning
Designed to help lower income patients with their medical needs, the government’s Medicaid program is available here in Florida and may be able to assist you and your loved ones with medical costs, including those associated with assisted living facilities, nursing homes, and end-of-life care.
Let us put Medicaid to work for you
Many seniors aren’t aware that they could qualify for Medicaid, which is a dual federal and state program that aids older and/or disabled people in obtaining government assistance for a variety of needs. Work with our knowledgeable attorneys, and let us help you properly allocate your funds in order to receive the maximum benefit. Your Medicaid benefit could help put the nursing home care that you deserve within financial reach! We’ll take care of every step of your application.
We work daily as a liaison between clients and the Florida Department of Children and Families in order to assist you in obtaining Medicaid benefits for yourself or a loved one.if you are privately or self-financing residency in an assisted living facility or nursing home for either yourself or a loved one, find out if Medicaid can reduce or eliminate this financial burden. Sit down with us today and let us fight for you.
Legal Guardianship
Can you become a guardian?
Any Florida resident of sound mind can become a legal guardian. For non-residents, the guardian must be a relative of the ward (either a blood relative or the spouse of a blood relative). The process includes the appointment of a panel of 3 medical professionals, who will determine if a guardianship is necessary.